Does life give meaning to us or do we give meaning to it?

Several times we feel discouraged by things that happen to us, we are annoyed constantly by unwanted occurrences, undesirable events, nasty people and what not. Things make us angry. Also certain things, people, places, events etc do make us happy too. But are these things and events etc making us angry/happy or are we ourself making ourselves angry/happy? No situation, however worse it maybe, has the power to decide your response to it. Just like how when you walk, you are in control of your legs, likewise when you are facing a situation, your response depends on you. It maybe the most dreadful thing that has happened to you, yet you have the power to choose, the power to respond in a way most unpredictable. Even the darkest times of your existence can be transformed into the most happy or life changing events. There is something good in each day, winners are those who can see the good even in their worst days, not only do we have to see the good in a bad day but we also need to acknowledge the good, cherish it and remember it. Bad memories exist because we gave a bad moment of our lives so much importance that it stuck with us long after its occurrence. Good times seem to have been long forgotten by us because we did not give them much importance and so they don't seem to cling on to us. Today I implore you to let go of all the painful memories: that time when some friend of yours said something mean or that time when you made a horrible mistake or that time when you took some negative comments made by a family member to your heart or that time when someone disrespected you or that time when you did something that embarrasses you now or that time when your parent did something embarrassing or that time when you failed or that time when you were ill. Let go of memories which don't portray you at your best. Remember the good times: that time when you achieved something that you wanted, that time when you almost got what you wanted, that time when you could be of help to someone, that time when you got good grades or got a raise or got an award, that time when you felt loved, that time when you felt beautiful, that time when you felt comfortable in your own skin, that time when you felt that you belonged, that time when you were among friends and family. A memory or an event is only as strong as you let it be. The more you think of a bad memory or the more you talk about it or try to recollect it, the more stronger it becomes. Likewise, the lesser you talk about or think about something bad, the weaker it becomes and it finally becomes almost non-existent. So if you ever wish that you could go back in time and make all the bad events go away, wish not, you can actually do it, just don't think about, don't talk about, don't focus on it. Focus on the good, because whatever you focus on, that will grow, that will multiply. And remember this, anything is only as bad as you think of it to be. You give meaning to that unwanted event by worrying about it, thinking about it, crying about it, complaining about it and so on. If you don't pay heed to it, it is like it never happened. Focusing on the problem can never give you the solution. Focusing on the solution can give you multiple solutions. 


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