
Showing posts from November, 2022


  This book was one of the most thrilling novellas that I have read. All the new characters in this book such as: Isabella, Sapphire, Dylan, Aurora etc were interesting and kept me on edge. I had somewhat guessed that Sapphire might be the one stealing the company's money, but I never imagined that Isabella would be the killer. Isabella seemed like a soft woman and a graceful type of lady initially, but later I was shocked when it was revealed that she was as wicked as Sapphire. I felt very sorry for Kalyx and Aurora since they both lost someone who they loved. Griffin as always was the star of the show since he found Isabella's diary and also got Sapphire arrested. Although I was a bit unsatisfied with the ending because both Isabella and Lorenzo had escaped, and it seemed as though Sapphire too would evade justice once again. I would have liked it better if Sapphire, Isabella and Lorenzo were put behind bars, but maybe that would have been a very cliché ending to this very un

Book Review: Do Nothing by Miguel Angel Hernandez Jr

This was a quick read. The book revolved around a series of murders in which the targets were seemingly unrelated people: A high profile lawyer and a drug dealer. Until it turns out that the murders are similar to the ones that happened 7 years ago. Detective Griffin consults an older detective who worked on the earlier cases and is able to connect more dots as he also learns that the lawyer and the drug dealer are indeed connected by a case in which the lawyer was the defense attorney and the drug dealer was a witness for the defense. The next target of the killer is the judge who was also involved in the same case which had led to the conviction of this killer who is now released and is taking revenge as he was convicted despite of his innocence. Detective Griffin comes to the rescue and saves the day in this page turning thriller! I was extremely satisfied with the ending of the book since justice was served from all angles because even the company who had wrongly framed one of thei