Hierarchy And How It Breaks Morale

Hierarchy is seen as something that is necessary to ensure structure and responsibility but is it actually necessary? Is it useful or is it harmful? I think it is extremely harmful and non-inclusive and it is a form of discrimination just like sexism, ageism or racism. Let me put a scenario for you to understand: 
Mr. A is the boss man, Ms. B is a regular employee who works under Mr. A, Mr. C is a newbie. Now Mr. C gives Mr. A more respect and Mr. C gives Ms. B no respect. Now this could be because Mr. C wants to get on the good side of Mr. A just because Mr. A is a man and so Mr. C sees Mr. A as powerful and competent whereas he sees Ms. B as useless just because she is a woman. But what if Ms. B was the boss lady? Would Mr. C still treat her with disrespect? I don't think so. So you see, hierarchy is a big, big problem. Women don't get to the top as much as men do and so there are fewer boss women than boss men and so women are continually treated with disrespect. Of course, hierarchy does not just effect women, it effects men too but I think it effects women more than men. Because, you see, men get respect no matter if they are the boss or not but women only get respect when they are the boss. So why not have a flat hierarchy where no one is the boss? Everyone is treated equally and with respect. No one is treated as God and no one is treated as filth. I used to believe that whatever happens to us is a result of whatever we do and that we can change ourselves and that we can change our destiny. But now I don't think so. I think everything that happens to us depends upon the Mr. Cs and Mr. As of the world. They rule the world, don't they? They rule the world of little Ms. B. Now Ms. B is a regular person who has common manners and respects Mr. A and Mr. C alike, just as we all should, no discrimination, no prejudice, no bias, no extra respect for big, fat, Mr. A. Because Ms. B thinks and knows for a fact that everyone deserves equal respect, we are not defined by our age, title, gender or power, we are in fact defined by our moral fiber and character. But when Ms. B receives disrespect from Mr. C, she might think maybe Mr. C is not a good guy and when she sees Mr. C being respectful to Mr. A and not to her, she might think maybe it is because Mr. A has more skills or because Mr. A is more senior or because she herself is dumb or talentless. If she starts believing that other people see her as dumb, she will lose the motivation, enthusiasm and energy towards her work, she might procrastinate, become lazy, undisciplined and thus lose morale. So you see how hierarchy breaks morale? Now since we can all agree that the society and world as a whole is not ready to bring more women at the top yet because they still don't believe in us women, do they? So why not just break the hierarchy instead? But you know what, even that is not possible because men are not satisfied with the power that they already have, they want to keep reinstating their power with bigger and bigger titles. To see a change in this world is as impossible as making an apple tree grow on clouds. And men are not all that is wrong with hierarchy, it is women too. Let us consider another scenario. Mr. A and Ms. B remain the same and let us add another person into this mix - Ms. D. Ms. D is in the same position as Ms. B. But again, she is like Mr. C, she treats Mr. A with respect because, hello? Mr. A is a man, he is someone she can possibly marry, right? But Ms. B, not marriage material, so no respect. As women, the least we can do is help other women out. If you can't see the suffering and struggles of your own kind, I don't understand what type of a woman you are. If you have ever put a woman down just so that you could look good in the eyes of others, you are no woman, you are just as bad or even worse than a man. You know, people are selfish in the moment because they think it is self-preservation but it might preserve your ugly-self in that minute, but in the long run you will know that what you did was vile. A perfect world would be where there is hierarchy but people have the common sense and basic manners to respect everyone equally. But since this is not a perfect world, hierarchy is just making it worse. We wonder why every year there are so many female STEM graduates in India yet five years down the lane, they are not in STEM anymore. We blame it on marriage, domestic work, childbirth. And you know, those things might be a problem but so is hierarchy. I am sure if a woman likes her workplace, she would not leave it. I feel the reason many women leave is disrespect. We deserve the same respect as a man. If you can't respect another human being, your education and experience means nothing to me, you are a piece of crap and always will be. If someone has to leave the workforce because of the way you treated her and you get promoted because of how good of a work you did at your job, is that even a promotion?


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