Patriarchy In the Current Times And Why It Still Exists

My opinion on this topic might not be one that you have heard frequently but I think that patriarchy still exists because women are more good-looking than men. So when women do dress up, no-one takes them seriously because people think that good looks are all that the woman has or that she is so excessively vain. And when a woman does not dress up, people think that she is not serious about what she is doing and so she is not bothering to dress up. So, you see, there is no real win here. Whatever women do, they are still hated for it, they are still underestimated. And men on the other hand have this huge advantage - history. Historically, men have had more advantages than women and it is still helping them today because they have all these role models that women don't, they don't have to try out something new to know that they will excel at it, they already know that they will excel at it because so many men have done it before them. Women are also seen as weak and dumb if they are pretty. And if women are ugly, people don't look or think twice about them. Even if women have all the education, experience, hard skills and soft skills, they still are not seen as equal, it is truly disheartening but entirely true. I always loved the fact that I was born as a woman, and even though I was aware of the misogyny that is there in the world, I still thought that if I could choose to be born again, I would still choose to be a woman. But now I think different, after seeing how harsh the world is, I wish I was born as a boy. Men just receive instant respect, superiority and power the very minute they are born. It just does not matter how hard we work or how high we fly because our wings are going to be ultimately clipped by the most mediocre man. Men no matter how ill-qualified they are - have all this confidence that they are great. I don't know how but men are just so over confident about everything that they do, like they know they are going to win even before the race begins and even though they don't have it in them to win. Women on the other hand have low self esteem, self-doubt, no self confidence. I think this hinders women more than anything - the belief that they can't even before they try and even though they can do it. I think there is no way to fix patriarchy and I think that it is what is hindering women from climbing up the ladder. We may have given access to education and opportunities to women but we have still not opened up the minds of men to see women as their equals. It is like we are setting up women for failure. And this is just one half of the story. The other half is even more brutal and cruel than the first half. So this is the second half - women are the second biggest enemies of women, after men of course. So when a woman is highly educated, has great work experience or is pretty, other women perceive her as a threat and try to bring her down with the power that they do have. Or if they have no power, they try to be mean to her and break her morale. You see, a woman in the world has no friends whatsoever. Women being against women helps only men to keep establishing patriarchy in every nook and corner of the world. Any industry you see, men are at the very top in their very shinning thrown. Also, women being against women is not the only thing that gives men power, the next big thing that gives them power is women sucking up to men just because they have all this power. So women treat other women badly but they treat men in a good way because they know men have this power and so they think that if they are good to men, they can get a taste of that power too. Also, if not for power, then for romantic reasons. Women are good to men for romantic reasons but you see, they have no reason to be good to another woman, right? How about they open their eyes to the reality and see how men are helping other men to rise to the top and are ignoring women left and right. But, it is not the fault of women too, of course they believe that their behavior can't create an impact big enough to create positive change in the entirety of womankind, but it can impact the life of one woman and that makes a difference. Most of us are not going to be remembered forever by doing something big like inventing something or discovering something but we can be remembered forever in one person's heart and that is more special and meaningful than being remembered for say discovering a new type of germ. Kindness is the only thing that even comes remotely close to solving the problem of patriarchy. So women showing kindness to themselves, women showing kindness to other women and men showing kindness to women can help the world, one kind act at a time. 


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