A Psychological Viewpoint in Trying to Determine Why Men Win and Women don't

So we all know what is said that men are more confident beings. Women are more doubtful of themselves and their skills in whatever they do. Maybe this is what is holding women back. Because according to the book 'The Power of your Subconscious Mind' by Joseph Murphy, whatever we believe in strongly in our conscious mind is accepted as true by the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind makes this belief come true. According to the book, the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between right and wrong, true and false. So men believe they are great and so they are confident. And since they believe they are great, the subconscious mind makes it happen. Even if a man is not great but just believes that he is, he becomes great. Women, on the other hand, keep believing that they are not great, so even if they were great, it still would not matter. The subconscious mind just accepts everything that you believe as true and it manifests it. So what we can learn from this is, we need to believe more in ourselves, our skills. We need to believe that we are good even if we aren't because that is what men do and it has been working quite well for them until now. 

Now let us discuss about why men believe so much in themselves because this is the root cause of all their achievements. In order to believe strongly in something, one needs proof. And only when someone believes strongly in something, the subconscious takes the suggestion. Now how do men get all the proof? They don't have to search for it. It is everywhere. Take history, for centuries men have ruled over the world of literature, science, politics, acting, business, etcetera. There have been many kings, prime ministers and presidents who are all male. There have been famous male scientists like Einstein, Oppenheimer, Newton, etcetera. There have been famous businessmen like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, etcetera. There have been famous males authors like Shakespeare, Vladimir Nabokov, Stephen King. So men have all this history as proof, they know they can because they already have done it. They also have the present as proof, all around them, they can see women as home makers, housewives and caregivers, they see men as the bread winners. They also see the pay gap, for example, actresses are paid way less than actors for the same job. All this builds up their confidence. These same things break the confidence of women. When they see history, they find thousands of men who did millions of great things and they find one or two women who did something big and they think only some women have it in them. But this is not true, if women in the past had been given the same opportunities as men in the past, they would have probably outdone the men. When women of today look around and find women to be housewives, homemakers and caregivers while men are breadwinners, they again lose confidence because they think, 'I am just like her, so I cannot become great either'. 

Now let us discuss how we can solve this problem of proof for women. Since there is all this negative proof, we need to first find a way to negate this proof. Then we need to find a way to plant positive proof. Now there have been many female scientists, authors, businesswomen, politicians too. But we don't know as much about them because maybe the men don't want us know. So we need to take the steps to get to know about women of the past who achieved. Buy books on women achievers, buy their autobiographies or biographies, read articles about women who won, read this and digest it. This will give us the history we need. Now this might be hard for us than it is for men, but we need to do it. Next, change your perspective on home makers, look at it this way: men who are breadwinners are only earning money which is paper at the end of the day, women who are home makers are raising children who are much more valuable than money can ever be. Would anyone trade their kid for money? No, right? So which is more precious money or kids? So who is more important, the man earning pieces of paper or the woman raising a real human? Or you can look at it this way: the woman who is a homemaker might not have had all the opportunities that you did, maybe she did not have supportive parents or a supportive husband or a supportive boss, you are a different individual than this woman. Now after negating all the negative proofs, start building positive proof. If someone compliments you on something, write it down in a book. You can perhaps write down the date, the person's name and the compliment itself. When you feel like your self esteem is low, you can come to this book and read it. Or maybe you can just remember all the compliments that people have given you throughout the years. You can also say some positive daily affirmations everyday. These are some tricks to build up your confidence but there are many more. 


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