How Monica Geller alias Monica Bing from F.R.I.E.N.D.S Inspired Me


As we all know, Monica loves to cook and she works as a head chef. Now, I'm no chef but her cooking really inspires me to cook. I cook occasionally but I want to get into the habit of cooking daily and I think watching Monica be so passionate about it is maybe helping me. Now, there are many episodes in which Monica can be seen cooking - the holiday episodes where Monica cooks Thanksgiving food, the episode in which she cooks lasagna for her aunt's party as a favor, the episode in which she cooks for Ross's first ex-wife's wedding, the episode in which she cooks food for an interview where she has to make things with a new kind of chocolate, the episode in which she takes a cooking class after she goes to confront a food critic who wrote bad things about the food at the restaurant at which she works, etcetera. All this cooking makes me want to cook too.


We all know that Monica is a cleanliness freak and also an organization freak. Now I like cleanliness too but sometimes I like to keep things instead of throwing them and sometimes I procrastinate on cleaning. At these times, sometimes, I use the Monica energy to get things clean and tidy again. Like recently I cleaned a drawer, a side-table and a rack of cupboard ruthlessly and got rid of the things I did not need. I even got a brand new houseplant. So Monica has inspired me to be more clean and be proud of wanting to be clean, tidy and organized. I think this is one of the most important skills ever and we all need to start practicing it and also start becoming good at it. 


Again, we all know, Monica was fat when she was younger and now she is all thin and slim and maintains herself to be so. I think this really inspires me and makes me believe that fat people can become thin too and that we have the control over our body and mind. We choose how we look by our actions. I too was fat when I was younger and then I lost weight after my mum put me in some extracurricular classes like tennis, dance and swimming. After some years, again I gained some weight and then lost it by intermittent fasting and portion control. I was lean again for some years and have now again gained some weight which refuses to leave even though I am controlling calories. Hoping to maybe use some Monica energy and lose that weight for good. Also, this reminds me, how great was that episode in which Monica helped Chandler to reduce weight after Phoebe pointed out that he had gained a few pounds?


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