Are We Mere Pellets in a Corncob?

 I feel like organizations and corporations are corncobs and we are pellets. Without us, the organization cannot function but individually we don't stand out. We are one amongst many. We are not valued for our creativity, non-conformity or individuality. We are valued for doing monotonous and repetitive tasks. Burnout is encouraged. Work life balance is discouraged. Just like how the pellets are attached to the corncob, corporations want us individuals to work for them all the time without having a life of our own. They expect us to leave our family and relocate to the city from where they operate. They expect us to sign documents that prohibit us from working for other companies. Because obviously a pellet cannot be in two corncobs at once. People who have no life other than their work life are the ones who are given better projects, more authority and frequent promotions. Whereas people who struggle are made to struggle some more until they are finally probably let go. In order for the corn pellets to be used in a pizza, gravy, or any other dish really, they have to be removed from the corncob. Likewise, in order to be anything meaningful or impactful, we need to be at least something other than our work selves. We need to have a side-hustle, a business of one, a freelancing career outside of our corporate career. I am not saying that all these things can happen instantly or certainly, but we have to at least try. Corporations can let us go anytime they want. For then, we need something to fall back on and that thing is ourselves. We need to be our own brand. There is a saying that goes 'Practice before you preach' and I am actually breaking it now by giving advice that I myself don't follow. But, anyway, this is more like an article that I am writing to myself, so it is like giving advice to myself. Even though I don't have any income currently aside from the income I get from my job, I have a shimmer of hope that something will click somewhere down the line because another saying goes like 'Lady Luck favors the one who tries' and I am not going to stop trying and I encourage you to do the same. I have nothing against corporations except that they promote things like hierarchy, inequality, discrimination based on gender, politics and that they give power to unworthy managers who in turn make potentially bright candidates into not-so-good workers. I like my work, I like most of my colleagues. But I hate the people who have power and misuse it. I hate people who are power-hungry and lick people's asses just to get a MacBook or to get good projects or to get some power. If you think you are so good, climb the ladder using your own strength, why do you need helpers? I don't say that there are no benefits of being a part of a corporation or company. It has several advantages. It gives you a stable paycheck, it gives you some goals, some structure, something to work on, a way to hone your skills. But beware that it doesn't take away other important things from you like family, friends, sleep, individuality, uniqueness, courage, self-confidence, belief in your abilities and peace. Always remember that you are more than your job. A job is a part of you, not the entire you. 


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