Out of your hair, Finally. Won't see your face ever again, Finally. Won't hear your voice ever again, Finally. I'm going, Finally. I'm leaving, Finally. You thought you could keep me under your thumb Forever? Never! I'm free, Finally. I will win, Finally. I am going to start anew, Finally. You will be lost and lonely, Finally. You thought I won't leave, Did you? Boo! I'll do my own thing, Finally. It'll be hard but it'll be my own journey, Finally. You can't use me anymore, Finally. You can't damage my name anymore, Finally. You will find someone else, but it won't be me, Finally. You never imagined this, No? Yo! Can't believe I'm gonna go, Finally. Can't imagine the angry expression on your face, Finally. Can't stop dreaming about the new possibilities, Finally. The verdict is out, Finally. You couldn't break me And you never will.