
Showing posts from July, 2023

Reviews of Recent Movies

Barbie: The Barbie movie was much awaited and over-hyped. The marketing of the movie was phenomenal and the brand collaborations helped the movie a lot. But the movie itself was not as great as the marketing. The plot was not very rich, the character development was also not very great. It was a good movie for people who are not aware of women's issues and women empowerment. But for people who are aware of these things, this movie might just anger them. The props and costumes in the movie were great though making the movie quite visually appealing and pleasant to the eye. The cast were also the perfect choice for the movie according to me. This is a movie that's nice to watch once but I surely cannot watch it twice. Oppenheimer: This was a great movie. The plot was interesting. The movie is about the life of the father of the atomic bomb - J Robert Oppenheimer. The movie was filled with intriguing things: atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, physics, Sanskrit, affairs, politics, etc. I

You and I

You say I am bad Yet I don't get mad. You say I am dumb Yet I stay mum. You push me under the bus Yet I don't cuss. You are so rude Yet I don't start a feud. You are so verbally violent Yet I stay fully silent. You don't give me respect Yet I still try to connect. You think I don't dare But it's just that I am in despair. You think that I am scared But I am just impaired. You think that I cannot But it's just that I am not. You think that I am blind But it's just that I am kind. You think that I am not keen But it's just that I am not mean. You think I cannot assert But it's just that I don't want to exert.


 A thing that slips so fast And becomes the past. A thing that cannot be bought And cannot be sought. A thing that is priceless And also endless. A thing that runs the world  And makes our mind swirled. A thing that we waste And then make haste. A thing with which we try to match And a thing that we cannot catch. A thing that is measured And also treasured. A thing that cannot come back And a thing that we track. A thing that brings mystery And also forms history. A thing that makes people brave And also puts them in a grave. A thing that makes us fall into slumber And a thing that we want to remember. A thing that makes us forget And maybe regret. A thing that is made by man And governed by the space clan.

Hierarchy And How It Breaks Morale

Hierarchy is seen as something that is necessary to ensure structure and responsibility but is it actually necessary? Is it useful or is it harmful? I think it is extremely harmful and non-inclusive and it is a form of discrimination just like sexism, ageism or racism. Let me put a scenario for you to understand:  Mr. A is the boss man, Ms. B is a regular employee who works under Mr. A, Mr. C is a newbie. Now Mr. C gives Mr. A more respect and Mr. C gives Ms. B no respect. Now this could be because Mr. C wants to get on the good side of Mr. A just because Mr. A is a man and so Mr. C sees Mr. A as powerful and competent whereas he sees Ms. B as useless just because she is a woman. But what if Ms. B was the boss lady? Would Mr. C still treat her with disrespect? I don't think so. So you see, hierarchy is a big, big problem. Women don't get to the top as much as men do and so there are fewer boss women than boss men and so women are continually treated with disrespect. Of course,

Patriarchy In the Current Times And Why It Still Exists

My opinion on this topic might not be one that you have heard frequently but I think that patriarchy still exists because women are more good-looking than men. So when women do dress up, no-one takes them seriously because people think that good looks are all that the woman has or that she is so excessively vain. And when a woman does not dress up, people think that she is not serious about what she is doing and so she is not bothering to dress up. So, you see, there is no real win here. Whatever women do, they are still hated for it, they are still underestimated. And men on the other hand have this huge advantage - history. Historically, men have had more advantages than women and it is still helping them today because they have all these role models that women don't, they don't have to try out something new to know that they will excel at it, they already know that they will excel at it because so many men have done it before them. Women are also seen as weak and dumb if the

Do you like me too?

  The way you touched and talked Made me believe that you like me too Yeah, yeah, you. The way you spoke and saw Made me believe that you like me too Yeah, yeah, you. The way you stood so near Made me believe that you like me too Yeah, yeah, you. The way you gazed, my dear Made me believe that you like me too Yeah, yeah, you. The shyness in your face Made me believe that you like me too Yeah, yeah, you. The swiftness in your pace, Made me believe that you like me too Yeah, yeah, you. The sincerity in your eyes Made me believe that you like me too Yeah, yeah, you. The desperateness in your voice Made me believe that you like me too Yeah, yeah, you. The change in your fashion Made me believe that you like me too Yeah, yeah, you. The way you showed compassion Made me believe that you like me too Yeah, yeah, you. The way you interacted with no fear Made me believe that you like me too Yeah, yeah, you. The way you made my pat


  You are forbidden Yet I’m still bidding They say that the forbidden fruit is the sweetest I think this statement is the truest Cause I feel it in here That I want you near They say that the forbidden fruit is the sweetest I think this statement is the truest I think I want you Only because I can’t have you They say that the forbidden fruit is the sweetest I think this statement is the truest The way our eyes connected And your touch got imprinted Made me feel excited That this moment existed They say that the forbidden fruit is the sweetest I think this statement is the truest Even though you are taken We are still faking They say that the forbidden fruit is the sweetest I think this statement is the truest Even though you have someone else I want to be the one who increases your pulse They say that the forbidden fruit is the sweetest I think this statement is the truest The way you touched my shoulder Made my t-shirt smolder Th

The Gelato of Love

  I went to the mall with my guy. I Was so shy. I Sat in the light that was dim. I Ate gelato with him. I Fed him the gelato. I Made his face as red as a tomato. I Felt so gay. I Had a lovely day.

I talk with him even in the night

  I talk with him even in the night, I am not discouraged by the close of day; I talk with him until it is light.   We do all things good and right, Since I talk with him all day, they Think I talk with him even in the night.   I imagine our faces looking so bright While we dance and sing in a beautiful bay, And kiss and drink in the moon-light.   I imagine us sitting together in a flight, On our way, Staring out the window, looking at the starry night.   The only thing that keeps me going is his sight Staying with him makes me gay, So, I talk with him until it is light.   Together, we may, reach each great height, We should be together always and forever, I pray. I talk with him even in the night. I talk with him until it is light.

Mr A

  A man – tall and calm Nabs a garland And has a fat party.   A man – smart and manly Blags a crystal, Acts as a staff man And walks away.   A man – dark and fancy Garbs a mask And abstracts a brand.   A man – dashy and classy Wants a crazy lady, Acts as a dwarf And draws away past art.