
Showing posts from September, 2023

An Ode to One Very Mediocre Man

You think you are a king Who makes Vikings. But what you really need is a shrink So that you can shrink  Your ego Which makes you think everyone except you deserves to go. Why do you think you are better? Why are you always bitter? Just because she is chubby Doesn't mean she wants you as her hubby. Do you think it is funny To play with someone's every penny? Do you think you will go to heaven? You stupid fucking heathen. Everyone is waiting for you in hell So get dressed well And be prepared to tell What you did to deserve to go to hell.

An Ode To The Losers

You found a new way To make me miserable everyday So that I would leave this hell Well, Sure, I will go So that you my foe Can rest in peace In your kingdom of grease I don't need your fees I can find another way to buy Chinese You and your hoes Think that you three are superheroes But you're just losers Who think they're choosers You are just modern day slaves Who will be buried in graves With nothing but computer dust Because all else you turned into rust.

Reviews of Recently Released Movies (Part 3)

A Haunting in Venice This movie is based on a book by Agatha Christie called 'Halloween Party'. I have not read the book yet and maybe I won't ever read it because I did not like the movie that much. I was very excited about the movie since I am a huge Agatha Christie fan. But I was disappointed that the movie did not match my expectations. I felt like it lacked method. Usually, in Christie novels, the main thing is how Poirot finds out who the killer is. The final reveal is what we all wait for, the climax to the whodunnit. But, here, the climax seemed too short, too brief, too shallow. I liked the setting, the plot, but was disappointed by the ending. I was hoping for it to be something more grander. Anyway, I would still give it a 3/5 stars. Also, the movie is about how Poirot is retired and yet he is invited by a murder mystery writer to a seance. He does not believe in ghosts and busts the tricks of the people who are conducting the seance. One by one, in the same nigh

Books I Have Been Reading Recently (Part 3)

'Youth and Truth : Unplug with Sadhguru' This book has the questions which were asked to Sadhguru while he visited educational institutions across India. This book also has the answers to those questions as were answered by Sadhguru. The book has around 200 something pages. And I am done with about 100 something pages. So I have completed half of the book. Thus far, I have found it interesting and enlightening. Sadhguru seems to be a man full of wisdom and his words are so helpful and illuminating. The questions asked are from a variety of topics ranging from education, career, self development, integrity, spirituality, yoga, religion etc. I hope to complete the book soon. 'Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us' by Daniel H Pink I am reading this book through Kindle and I have completed about 7% of it as of now. I have just started reading it and yet I feel like this book has a very important message and I feel like I could learn and implement a lot of thi

Surnames and Last names

Why are children always given the initial of their father as their surname and their father's last name as their last name? Even though we say that there is gender equality and blah blah blah. We don't really have it, do we? Because this patriarchal notion is not even questioned, it is followed everywhere blindly to an extent that I don't even know what my grandmother's surname and last name before marriage was. And that brings us to the next issue, why do women have to take their husband's initial as their surname and their husband's last name as their last name? What is the necessity for this? Okay, maybe some might argue that it gives their names a kind of uniformity. But there are other ways to achieve uniformity, aren't there? How about we eradicate the concept of surnames completely and just have last names which are hyphenated. So say the wife's name is Julianna Potter before marriage and the husband's name is Henry Taylor, after their marriag


What it means to be a woman? It means you are always considered less than a man The problem isn't just men. It is also women Who bring other women down And make them frown And drown And contribute to their grown Sense of sorrow Which is carried to tomorrow. More than a man could ever hurt me A woman's hate haunts me. How can you be so cruel, To someone who is like your own mural? How can you be so naive? If you want to thrive, Work on your own shine. Your name will be written in the bad books of the divine. For you have injured someone who is weak, Even though you are at your peak. You think you are winning. But you are only sinning. You think you can escape. But God in his supreme cape, Will punish you for the sins you made. You think you are safe in the shade Of a man. But I believe in God's plan. God made me in his own image And gave me every privilege. I am not afraid of your behavior Because I have God as my savior. Every wish has been granted Every tree that I planted

Are We Mere Pellets in a Corncob?

 I feel like organizations and corporations are corncobs and we are pellets. Without us, the organization cannot function but individually we don't stand out. We are one amongst many. We are not valued for our creativity, non-conformity or individuality. We are valued for doing monotonous and repetitive tasks. Burnout is encouraged. Work life balance is discouraged. Just like how the pellets are attached to the corncob, corporations want us individuals to work for them all the time without having a life of our own. They expect us to leave our family and relocate to the city from where they operate. They expect us to sign documents that prohibit us from working for other companies. Because obviously a pellet cannot be in two corncobs at once. People who have no life other than their work life are the ones who are given better projects, more authority and frequent promotions. Whereas people who struggle are made to struggle some more until they are finally probably let go. In order f

Reviews of Restaurants That I Ate At Recently

Dr. Bubbles This place was okay-ish. The bubble tea was not milk based and was actually water based. The bubbles popping in our mouth was rather satisfying initially but that too lost its charm down the road. The bubbly waffle that we ordered was huge and hard to finish. The flavor that we ordered was red velvet so it had that artificial color taste. Moreover, there was some whipped cream on top of the waffle that was just not needed and the white chocolate cream was too heavy. Overall, I would not recommend this place and I would give it a 2.5/5 stars. Ferrara Pizzeria This is a place that I highly recommend you don't go to. I did not go to this place in person but I ordered a pizza online. I ordered the fungi pizza which had white sauce, cheese, mushrooms, capsicum, bell peppers and some kind of a spicy thing. Moreover, this pizza gave me a vomiting sensation the next day and I had an upset stomach that day. So I suggest to stay away from this place. I would rate this place a 0/5

Color Palette

When I look at the sky and blink, I see that it has turned pink. When I look down, I see the earth that's pure brown. When I look above to get a view, I see that the sky is so blue. When I go to the forests that remain unseen, I see that they are grassy green. When I look at the falling snow at night, I see that it is unfailingly white. When I look at the flowerbed, I see that it has roses that are red. When I go off the beaten track, I see that the world is not all white and black. When I go to an isolated bay, I see that the sea sometimes seems gray.

If I Liked What I Did On The Weekday, I Wouldn't Want to Escape it in The Weekend.

As a child, I used to spend weekends studying since I felt that I could not get a lot of studying done during the weekdays because of long school hours. The same continued in college too. But my peers on the other hand used to go to malls and other places during the weekend during school and college. But once I started working, I too started doing the same. I started going to malls, theatres, beaches, restaurants etc. on the weekend. I wondered why there was this sudden shift in me and why did I suddenly realize the meaning of a weekend. After much thought, I reached a conclusion. When I was in school and college, I had an aim, a goal - to get good grades, so I worked on it week day and weekend. But now I am goal-less, a promotion is not something that is certain, it is not something that is given based on a perfect measurement of performance and so there is no sure way of achieving it. And since there is no sure way of achieving it, it can't be a perfect goal. A perfect goal is me

The Moment

His hand slipped His loyalty lost. It wasn't impulsive Neither was it intrusive. It wasn't as electric But it was exotic. I felt lucky But also lurky. It was something worthy of a song But it was also very wrong. It wasn't devised But it was analyzed. It was pretty But also petty. It did make me feel bad And also sad. Because although it was something I wanted It wasn't something that could be flaunted.

The Accidental Time Machine - Part 1

A brilliant scientist called Dr. Wamsi had been working in the US for about 28 years now. His research had been dedicated towards discovering life of other planets or on other galaxies. Although he was an Indian, he had mixed well with the American community and was almost an American. He took on a side project on wormholes for fun until it went all haywire and he had a time machine but he was too scared to test it for what if he changed important historical events or changed the future of the world by mistake? Afterall, he had created this time machine too by mistake. You might think how can someone create a time machine by mistake? Well, let me explain. Dr. Wamsi had been studying wormholes on the side and he created a way to generate and stabilize wormholes temporarily. Dr. Wamsi was conducting experiments on these microscopic wormholes when an unexpected quantum interaction occurred. Dr. Wamsi accidentally adds a rare element into the mix while stabilizing a wormhole. This triggers

Goodbye Poem

Hi Didi! Or should I say roomie? You made everyday of your vacation  A religious occasion. Also, thanks for helping me bake The sweet chocolate cake. Away you are going to fly So here is an ode to remember me by.