
Showing posts from August, 2023

How Ross Geller from F.R.I.E.N.D.S Inspired Me

Perseverance Ross had immense perseverance. In spite of having three divorces, he never stopped dating. In spite of things going on and off between him and Rachel, he never gave up. He never for a second thought that he is unworthy or undeserving of love. I think this is a trait not many of us have but it is a trait which all of us need to do great things. Most dreams don't come true because we give up too soon. According to a book by Angela Duckworth, perseverance is one of the most important factors in determining how successful a person will be in life. Passion Ross's passion for dinosaurs and paleobiology is inspiring. He also turned his passion into his career which is again very impressive. Not many of us can turn our favorite childhood toy into a fulltime job. And not one but two successful careers at that - Ross used his love for dinosaurs at the museum and also as a professor later on. I think passion is something we all need to excel at anything, if we love what we do

How Joey Tribbiani from F.R.I.E.N.D.S Inspired Me

 Persistence Joey wasn't making much money initially because he wasn't able to land many roles as an actor. But he did not give up. He did not even do any other job just to make ends meet which any other person would have easily done. For example, Penny from 'Big Bang Theory' also wanted to be an actor but she never became one because she did not go for as many auditions as Joey did and she had another job (waitressing and then sales) which Joey didn't. Joey made his dream come true with sheer persistence.  Determination Let's be honest - Joey was not that good at acting or at least acting could not have been the thing that he was best at. This can be proven by many scenes such as when he said in an interview that he made up his own lines - which no good actor would do. Also, his many failed auditions, his lack of common sense, him taking abnormal amount of time to understand basic things, etc. Yet, it was his dream to be an actor and he fulfilled it. At the end

How Chandler Bing From F.R.I.E.N.D.S Inspired Me

Humility Chandler Bing was in a big position in his career. But he was not satisfied with what he was doing in life. He wanted his career to align with his interests and so he changed his career path from data processing to advertising. He had to start as an unpaid intern and he was the most senior in age amongst all the other interns, yet he did not feel ashamed or did not quit. He kept doing his job. I think this shows us how humble he was. It shows us how he could keep his pride aside and start from the very bottom all over again. Humor Many people saw this as a negative or annoying trait of Chandler. In fact, Chandler himself stated in one of the episodes that he used humor as a defense mechanism. But I think this was one of his best traits. Having the ability to laugh in the face of adversity is something we should all acquire. Not taking ourselves too seriously is something we should all learn. Humor can help us get through tough times. And Chandler's jokes were the star of t

How Rachel Green From F.R.I.E.N.D.S Inspired Me

Transformation So Rachel transformed herself from a spoilt brat to an independent girl. She again transformed herself from a waitress to a person who worked in fashion - an industry that she was passionate about. She transformed from being a person who was bad at her job (waitressing) to a person who loved what they did for a living. She believed that she could change - something that is impossible for most of us. An example would be the sisters of Rachel - they both remained the same, they never changed, they continued to be spoiled brats into their adulthood.  Acceptance I really liked the way Rachel handled problems, she never freaked out a lot. She took what came and did what she could. For example, when she came to know she was pregnant, she did not over react, she handled it maturely. And when she was fired because her boss saw her interviewing for another company, she was not all devastated as many of us would be. Also, when she accidentally married Ross after getting drunk, she

Top 5 Websites Through Which You Can Read Books For Free

Audible Now, Audible always has free 1 month subscriptions or free trial subscriptions for two months or three months. During these free trials, you get 1 credit each month with which you can get 1 free audiobook. You can choose from the wide range of genres, authors and languages. This is a great way to read free audiobooks. You can use Audible accounts of your relatives/friends etcetera to get the subscription several times since one account can get only one subscription for free and each person can have only one account. BookBub Now, this website shows us books which have discounts and also books which are available for free currently due to an offer or deals. Now they have a free eBooks option, which if you click on, you can view all the books that are available for free right now on Amazon and some other sites. Or you can go to the 'All deals' option and click on the price filter where you can then select free and you will be able to view all the free books and then click

Books I have been reading recently (Part 2)

'Love, Theoretically' by Ali Hazelwood So, I have read two other books by Ali Hazelwood which are 'Love on the brain' and 'Love Hypothesis', I liked both of them. I am yet to read 'Loathe to Love you' and I have just started reading 'Love, Theoretically.' So this book is about Elsie who has a PhD in Physics and works in the Physics department as well she works as a fake girlfriend where she pretends to be someone's girlfriend. The fake girlfriend job seems to be her main source of income as she is not yet being paid for her Physics job. She then meets - Jack who is the brother of her favorite client Greg and it so happens that Jack has ruined the career of many physicists including Elsie's mentor and that he is the one who stands between Elsie and the job that she needs. I haven't read that much but I am starting to like the book. I feel like it might be similar 'Love Hypothesis', what with the fake dating trope and all? '

Restaurant Review: Writer's Café, Chennai

So I have been to several outlets of Writer's Café at Chennai. I have dined there several times and I have tried a range of their dishes and so I think I will be able to do an elaborate and rather honest review of some of the dishes. Flammkuchen So this is a pizza like thing and this is what attracted me to Writer's Café in the first place. So one of my sisters had her friends come over to our house for a birthday celebration and I saw long cardboard boxes with a drawing of Shakespeare. And I thought I am gonna try this place. Got to know from my mum that it was Writer's Café and went there and tried the flammkuchen amongst other things. After that, I have tried flammkuchen several times and have loved it almost every time. So flammkuchen is this thin, soft and rectangular shaped pizza with sauce, cheese and toppings. You can choose your own sauce, cheese and toppings. So my go-to is mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce, jalapenos, corn and olives. This one time, we ordered the

How Monica Geller alias Monica Bing from F.R.I.E.N.D.S Inspired Me

Cooking As we all know, Monica loves to cook and she works as a head chef. Now, I'm no chef but her cooking really inspires me to cook. I cook occasionally but I want to get into the habit of cooking daily and I think watching Monica be so passionate about it is maybe helping me. Now, there are many episodes in which Monica can be seen cooking - the holiday episodes where Monica cooks Thanksgiving food, the episode in which she cooks lasagna for her aunt's party as a favor, the episode in which she cooks for Ross's first ex-wife's wedding, the episode in which she cooks food for an interview where she has to make things with a new kind of chocolate, the episode in which she takes a cooking class after she goes to confront a food critic who wrote bad things about the food at the restaurant at which she works, etcetera. All this cooking makes me want to cook too. Cleaning We all know that Monica is a cleanliness freak and also an organization freak. Now I like cleanliness

Reviews of Recently Released Movies (Part 2)

DD Returns I had high expectations for this movie since I liked the first two movies in this series. But I was hugely disappointed. Since Santhanam was starring in the movie, I thought it would be really funny but it wasn't all that funny at all. The story is about a French family living in Pondicherry. These people play a game with the villagers and losers are shot by the family in the game. But the game has been rigged by one of the family members unbeknownst to the rest of them because this family member is greedy and doesn't want to give away money to the villagers and the winners of the game win money as a prize, so she cheats. All the villagers get angered by the deaths of their fellow villagers and decide to kill the French family. The French family members all die and remain as ghosts in their own house. In the current time, Santhanam and the rest of the crew enter the house to search for the stolen money they hid in the house and are forced by the ghosts to play the ga


You looked so beautiful in the candlelight, When all your flaws were hidden from sight. It was a fairly pleasant night And staring at you wasn't right. There was no light, Yet our faces were bright. It was because of the candlelight That shone so bright On you and me that night. You brought me in the spotlight And launched me like a satellite.  I wish we had spoken till midnight And stargazed in the moonlight. Maybe in the future, I might Spectacularly write A poem about that night In the candlelight.


Gayatro I know you want me to throw Info About me and my foes I know you want it now But first you got to bow To me and my show Gayatro Take it slow I know you're laying low Cause you don't want us to know Your thirst for info Gayatro

Of Course I'm Bad

So I keep wondering why everyone criticizes my work or why can't they see the things that I did good and how is it that they see only the things that I did wrong. I wonder why they never praise but never miss a chance to point fingers. I wonder if they ever think that they are not spotless too. Then I realize, they just don't want me to keep going, they want me to stop. They think that if they make me feel like I am bad, I will quit. They don't ever give me a chance to think that I am good. What with all the proof that they constantly provide with their criticism which makes me believe I am bad. But you know what? I accept - I accept that I am bad and you know what? That is exactly what I am supposed to be. I am in the UKG of my career, was anyone good at UKG in school? No, right? Then why do we have to be good in the UKG of our career. I now see it like this - my first year working was the LKG of my career and my second  year working is the UKG of my career. I am in UKG. I

Am I A Fallen Flower?

I always wondered why people treated me poorly. I never knew why. I believed I did my best and was the best version of me. But why was it not enough? I was looking at a plumeria alba tree and I found out why I was not enough. I noticed that some of the flowers of the tree had fallen down and some of them were on the tree. The ones on the ground were being stamped upon by people and the ones on the tree stayed on. I understood then why I was treated poorly by people, it was because I was a flower but I had fallen. Let me explain: when a flower is on a tree, people admire it, pluck it, smell it, wear it, keep it in vases, gift it in bouquets, in short - they treat it well. But when a flower has fallen to the ground, it may still be as beautiful as the flower on the tree, it may still be as fragrant as the flower on the tree, yet people ignore this flower, they don't notice it, they stamp on it and ultimately the flower loses it beauty and fragrance. Was it the flower's fault? No,

A Psychological Viewpoint in Trying to Determine Why Men Win and Women don't

So we all know what is said that men are more confident beings. Women are more doubtful of themselves and their skills in whatever they do. Maybe this is what is holding women back. Because according to the book 'The Power of your Subconscious Mind' by Joseph Murphy, whatever we believe in strongly in our conscious mind is accepted as true by the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind makes this belief come true. According to the book, the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between right and wrong, true and false. So men believe they are great and so they are confident. And since they believe they are great, the subconscious mind makes it happen. Even if a man is not great but just believes that he is, he becomes great. Women, on the other hand, keep believing that they are not great, so even if they were great, it still would not matter. The subconscious mind just accepts everything that you believe as true and it manifests it. So what we can learn from this is, we ne

How Phoebe Buffay from FRIENDS Inspired Me

 Accessories As we all know Phoebe is this quirky character from Friends and she is a bit different and unique in everything that she does. Her fashion sense is also very unique when compared to the other female characters of the show. While Monica and Rachel go for minimalistic jewellery, Phoebe goes for long earrings, statement necklaces, layered rings, anklets, big bracelets and what not. I usually wear long earrings but I never really wear any chains, rings, bracelets, etcetera except occasionally. But recently, I have started wearing necklaces, I am searching online for buying rings, I am searching for bracelets, necklaces, etcetera in my dressing drawer. She has surely influenced my fashion sense. I think her choice of accessories is unique because she is bolder than other people and is not scared of expressing herself through her attire. Hair Phoebe does the most exquisite hair styles. I usually leave my hair open with a side parting or tie my hair in a ponytail or bun. But Phoe

Books I Have Been Reading Recently

"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho I am almost halfway through this book and I think it is quite philosophical in a way. The book is about a shepherd boy who chose his career path based on the advice given by his father after he told his father that he wanted to travel the world. The boy learns about a treasure that he is to discover in Egypt. He meets a king who advises him about many things including following one's personal legend. The king also gives him some precious stones and tells him to pay heed to the omens. The king urges him to go find the treasure. So the boy sells his sheep and goes to find the treasure but he is robbed in a foreign land and so he works for eleven months in a crystal shop and when he saves enough he decides to buy sheep again and start his work again but he has second thoughts. He thinks that he can become a shepherd anytime he wants but he can only go for the treasure now. This is what I have read until now and I am intrigued. "The Power